Preencha os campos obrigatórios

By filing a report, you agree to the PCI Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

PCI is a web platform that allows receiving complaints, in line with the requirements of the Anti-Corruption Law (Law 12.846 / 13) and the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code.

PCI users are guaranteed complete anonymity, secrecy and confidentiality of the data reported at the time of the complaint and throughout the process of investigating the facts.

The platform allows information to be exchanged between the whistleblower and the investigators, without the whistleblower having to identify himself or herself and without being identified by “tricks” in the system.

The environment, managed exclusively by SP Auditores, is encrypted and protected with the latest in security technology. Read the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use to get a complete understanding of the service.

I agree

Where is the reported fact happening?

CD Bragança Paulista
CD Jandira
CD Paraíba
Escritório Central Company
Unid. C. Distribuição Bahia
Unid. C. Distribuição Belo Horizonte
Unid. C. Distribuição Pernambuco
Unid. C. Distribuição Rio de Janeiro
Unidade Fabril Bragança Paulista - UFH
Unidade Fabril Guaíba - UG
Unidade Fabril Penha - UP
Unidade Fabril Valadares - UV

In which area do the people involved work?

Diretoria Comercial
Diretoria Financeira
Diretoria Industrial
Gerência Comercial
Gerência Financeira
Gerência Industrial
Gerência Professional
Gerência Tecnologia da Informação
Gerência de Controladoria
Gerência de Logística
Gerência de Manutenção
Gerência de Marketing
Gerência de PCP
Gerência de Papéis Especiais
Gerência de Projetos
Gerência de Recursos Humanos
Gerência de Suprimentos
Gerência de Trade
Contas a Pagar
Crédito & Cobrança
Folha de Pagamento
Inteligência de Vendas
Meio Ambiente
Melhoria contínua
Mkt Consumo
Papéis Especiais
Recrutamento & Seleção
Remuneração & Benefícios
Segurança Patrimonial
Segurança do Trabalho
Trade Mkt
Treinamento & Desenvolvimento
Vendas Professional

Did not find?

What is the name of the person (s) involved?

* Inform only one person in the field above and if possible with the full name.
* Inform only one person in the field above and if possible with the full name.
* Inform only one person in the field above and if possible with the full name.
* Inform only one person in the field above and if possible with the full name.

What date or period the fact occurred?

What is your report?

Would you like to attach any documents to your report?

Your identification is not mandatory, but if you wish to identify yourself fill in below:

Type the symbols as you see:

Agora é só enviar a mensagem: